Panduit® TX6000™ UTP Copper Cabling Systems are designed for optimum network performance, design flexibility, and reliability toprotect network investments well into the future. Each system provides users with headroom assurance that will exceed ANSI/TIA-568-C.2Category 6 and ISO 11801 Edition 2.1 Class E standards for the following key electrical parameters: Insertion Loss (IL), Near-End Crosstalk(NEXT), Power Sum NEXT, ACR-N, Power Sum ACR-N, ACR-F, Power Sum ACR-F, and Return Loss.The design of the horizontal and patch cable utilizes technology and advanced connector compensation techniques developed by Panduitto achieve channel bandwidth performance above industry standard requirements. The innovative design reduces the weight and diameterof Category 6 UTP cabling, improving pathway capacity and resulting in improved airflow through dense data center enclosures andenterprise pathways without compromising performance.The superior Bit Error Rate (BER) of the Panduit solution means a lower Packet Error Rate (PER) for your network. This means fewerpackets need to be retransmitted, conserving valuable network bandwidth.To determine the guaranteed headroom performance, over 100 channels were constructed, tested, and analyzed.- These channels consisted of three and four connector topologies – in both short and long cabling runs – to ensure true worst-case conditions- Testing was conducted at swept frequencies from 1 MHz to 250 MHz per industry standards- The testing represents “real world” conditions through the use of an industry recognized hand-held tester, not test analyzers or- computer models