T70BIW10 - Panduit 10PK T-70 PWR RATED T-70 raceway base in 8' and 10' lengths. Supplied with pre-punched mounting holes. $122.69 $68.16
T70BIW8 - Panduit 8PK T-70 PWR RATED MULTICHANNEL T-70 raceway base in 8' and 10' lengths. Supplied with pre-punched mounting holes. $98.15 $54.53
T70CWH6 - Panduit T-70 / TG-70 / TWIN-70 POWER RA "RACEWAY COVER MULTI-CHANNEL2.76""X.36"" WHITE T-706' LENGTHS ROHS" $44.87 $24.93
FRHC4YL10 - Panduit CHNL COVERHINGEDSNAP-ON4IN X FiberRunner snap-on hinged cover for channel FR4X4YL10. Hinge feature enables positioning of cover at angles between 30° to 90°. The cover comes in 10 feet lengths $350.50 $194.72