Avoid those costly upgrades when new tape technologies become available. With NEO XL-Series libraries, you can upgrade your drives and media on the fly.
Avoid those costly upgrades when new tape technologies become available. With NEO XL-Series libraries, you can upgrade your drives and media on the fly.
Avoid those costly upgrades when new tape technologies become available. With NEO XL-Series libraries, you can upgrade your drives and media on the fly.
NEO XL-Series 40 Redundant Power Supply Option gives added assurance that you data will be accessable in the case of a power supply failure.
PerformanceMedia typeTape...
NEO XL-Series removable cartridge magazines provide effortless media handling for loading/unloading of cartridges while facilitating off-line storage for disaster recovery purposes...
NEO XL-Series removable cartridge magazines provide effortless media handling for loading/unloading of cartridges while facilitating off-line storage for disaster recovery purposes...