IMAGING TECHNOLOGYThe Gryphon 4500 series represents the premium range of handheldscanners from Datalogic for value added applications. Designed withpeople in mind, the Gryphon 4500 series stands out with its elegant andcutting edge design, the unchallenged ergonomics, and features the mostadvanced Megapixel sensor with white-illumination 2D technology foroutstanding performance.SIMPLE TO USE AND DEPLOYThe Gryphon I 4500 omnidirectional imager provides snappy readingperformance on all common 1D and 2D codes as well as postal, stacked,and composite codes like PDF417. High Density (HD) models are alsoavailable for reading smaller, condensed codes. A dedicated version withred illumination optics reads Digital Watermarking.For mobile marketing or ticketing applications, this imager also offersexcellent performance when reading bar codes from mobile devices. Theenhanced optics offer improved motion tolerance and first pass decodingof fast moving codes.READY TO BE REGULARLY CLEANED AND DISINFECTEDMost working environments now have requirements that scanners needto be regularly cleaned and disinfected. The Gryphon 4500 series utilizesDisinfectant-Ready enclosures, designed to withstand regular dailycleaning with harsh disinfectant solutions commonly used in a healthcareenvironment.WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND WIRELESS CHARGINGFeaturing Bluetooth® wireless technology (GBT models) or narrow bandradio communications with Datalogic’s STAR Cordless System™ (GMmodels), the Gryphon 4500 wireless readers provide maximum flexibility tosolve any end user application with the best technical solution.One of the most important technical innovations that the Gryphon 4500wireless scanners achieve is the battery recharge through an inductivecharging system, lowering the total cost of ownership because iteliminates the need for contacts’ cleaning and maintenance procedures.The maximum reliability offered by the wireless charging technologymeans 24/7 activities with no stops for maintenance or repair and toplevel operating productivity and performance.