CN80-HS-5PK - Honeywell 5PK HANDSTRAP CN80 WITH 6603ER Kit of five (5) replacement handstraps for CN80 (one handstrap included with each CN80 mobile computer) $182.93 $101.63
CN80-HSNF-5PK - Honeywell 5PK HANDSTRAP CN80 WITH EX20 Kit of five (5) replacement handstraps for CN80 with long range configurations (one handstrap included with each CN80 mobile computer) $182.95 $101.64
CN80-HST-SHC - Honeywell CN80 HOLSTER W/SCAN HANDLE CN80 holsters, compatible with CN80 scan handle CN80-SH-DC. Holster clips onto standard belts. Nylon web belt included $251.05 $139.47
CN80-HST-00 - Honeywell CN80 HOLSTER W/O SCAN HANDLE CN80 holsters for long-range and standard-range configurations. Holster clips onto standard belts. Nylon web belt included $234.74 $130.41
CN80-RB-00 - Honeywell CN80 STD RUBBER BOOT W/O SCAN Black rubber protective boot for CN80 standard-range configuration. Not compatible with scan handle CN80-SH-DC $96.37 $53.54