ULTRA-VERSATILE WITH A FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND CONVERTIBLE DESIGNThe ultra-versatile CS60 Series Companion Scanner adapts to any workflow. Its groundbreaking design easily converts between corded and...
ULTRA-VERSATILE WITH A FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND CONVERTIBLE DESIGNThe ultra-versatile CS60-HC Healthcare Series Companion Scanner is designed specifically for healthcare and adapts to any clinician workflow...
ULTRA-VERSATILE WITH A FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND CONVERTIBLE DESIGNThe ultra-versatile CS60 Series Companion Scanner adapts to any workflow. Its groundbreaking design easily converts between corded and...
ULTRA-VERSATILE WITH A FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND CONVERTIBLE DESIGNThe ultra-versatile CS60-HC Healthcare Series Companion Scanner is designed specifically for healthcare and adapts to any clinician workflow...