CBL-220-300-C00 - Honeywell RS232 WINCOR BLK DB9 MALE 3M Compatible with- Hyperion 1300g- Voyager 1200g, 1202g- Xenon 1900g, 1902g $52.36 $29.09
CBL-320-300-C00 - Honeywell 3M RS232 BLACK DB9 MALE COILED - RS232-Kabel (+/-12V signals)- 3m (coiled)- external power with option for host power on pin 9- black $47.63 $26.46
CBL-420-300-C00 - Honeywell RS232 AUX BLK 3M 9.8FT COILED - Cable: RS232 (5V signals)- Honeywell Bioptic Stratos Aux- black- 10 pin modular- 3m (9.8´)- coiled- host power possible (dependent upon scanner and Stratos models) $49.86 $27.70
CBL-020-500-C00 - Honeywell CABLE RS232 DB9 FEMALE EXT PWR - RS232-Kabel (+/-12V signals)- external power with option for host power on pin 9- black $87.89 $48.83
CBL-820-300-C00 - Honeywell CABLE WAND EMULATION BLACK 9PIN - Cable: Wand Emulation- Black- 9 PIN SQZ- 3m- Coiled- 5V Power on Pin 9 on Host $55.84 $31.02