ADD-FMCP-BX-DST is a Media Converter that converts a 100Base-TX(RJ45) to 100Base-XD(ST) via a 1550/1310nm bi-directional (BiDi) single-mode fiber (SMF) ST connector, which allows distance reach up to 20km. ADD-FMCP-BX-DST provides a cost effective conversion from 100Base Copper to 100Base-XD fiber , while extending your network reach beyond the 100m reach limitation of copper. This AC/DC powered PoE media converter is a Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) which combines data transferred over a fiber optic link with 48V (or other voltage) power supply, providing power to IEEE802.3af powered device (PD) over CAT5 UTP cable (cable length up to 100meters / 330feets). It complies with the IEEE802.3af standard. The converter includes a single port PSE controller, which offers PD signature sensing and power monitoring features. Other features include over-current protection and LFP function. The LFP (Link Fault Pass-through) allows the media converter to monitor both the fiber and copper RX port for loss of signal. In case of a loss of RX signal on one media port, the converter will automatically disable the TX signal to the other media port, thus passing through the link fault.