The 9POP4 isolates and protects RS-232 equipment from lightning surges, accidental high voltage shorts, and ground loops. RS-232 data signals TD, RD, RTS, and CTS are supported at up to 230.4 kbps. Isolation circuits are 2.5 kV rated and protects valuable equipment while maintaining maximum uptime. Each side of the isolator receives power from a single 12 VDC power supply to maintain the isolation. This powering configuration allows the device to be used in a system with only one power supply, regardless of the power provided by the RS-232 ports. The isolator uses DB9 male and DB9 female connectors. The female connector is wired as a DCE and should be connected to a DTE port. The male connector is a DTE and should be connected to a DCE port. If you are connecting a DTE to a DTE or a DCE to a DCE, you will need a null modem adapter.