94ACC0253 - Datalogic , MEMOR 20, ACCESSORY, PISTOL GRIP HANDLE, BLACK, REQUIRES RUBBER BOOT Memor 20 Pistol-Grip Handle, black color (requires rubber boot 94ACC0247, includes a lanyard) $196.18 $108.99
94ACC0193 - Datalogic RUBBER BOOT MEMOR 10 BLACK If you are looking for the power and the performance of a smartphone but are concerned about the typical Enterprise challenges, the new Datalogic Memor 10 PDA is the perfect rugged device for... $126.25 $70.14
94ACC0204 - Datalogic RUBBER BOOT HC MEMOR 10 GREEN 94ACC0204Rubber Boot, Healthcare, Memor 10, Green color $126.25 $70.14
94A150099 - Datalogic ADC, MEMOR 20, ACCESSORY, DOCK, SINGLE SLOT, CHARGE ONLY, BLACK, USB C Dock, Single Slot, Charge Only $395.60 $219.78