PCD-P080 - Datalogic PROTECTIVE CASE/BELT HOLSTER Protective Case/Belt Holster, PC-8000-D (for unit with display). $86.49 $48.05
94ACC1381 - Datalogic POWER SUPPLY FOR SINGLE SLOT 94ACC1381, Power Supply for Single Slot Dock, Black, Elf $102.04 $56.69
95ACC1212 - Datalogic POWER CORD IEC/JAPAN Datalogic is a world-class producer of bar code readers, data collection mobile computers and vision systems. Datalogic offers innovative solutions for many industrial sectors, from manufacturing,... $51.89 $28.83
8-0935 - Datalogic ADC, POWER ADAPTER, AC/DC REGULATED, ROHS. NOT ELIGIBLE FOR DATALOGIC AC/DC Power Adapter, 12V, Black $53.68 $29.82