699820 - 6000MAH SPARE BATTERY FOR KDC/SKX PISTOL COMPANION MODULE. KOAMTAC RECOMMENDS RE 6,000mAh rechargeable battery for use with the 1.0W UHF Reader Companion and Pistol Grip Companion. $180.90 $100.50
674500 - 200MAH REPLACEMENT BATTERY FOR KDC 20/80/100/200 SCANNERS. KOAMTAC RECOMMENDS RE The KDC20/100/200 190mAh battery is a replacement battery for the KDC20/100/200 series. For high performance, KOAMTAC recommends replacing your KDC battery once a year. $41.56 $23.09
381525 - KOAMTAC KDC470GTA3-C KDC470C 2D IMAGER 381525 - KOAMTAC KDC470GTA3-C KDC470C 2D IMAGER $1,026.38 $570.21
381040 - KOAMTAC KDC470-BLE-IT6C-D KDC470DI-BLE 381040 - KOAMTAC KDC470-BLE-IT6C-D KDC470DI-BLE $684.41 $380.23
381030 - KOAMTAC KDC470-BLE-IT6C-L KDC470LI-BLE 381030 - KOAMTAC KDC470-BLE-IT6C-L KDC470LI-BLE $734.76 $408.20