7170-0563-00 - Gamber-Johnson KIT - SMALL WORKSTATION WITH MOUNITNG Kit: Small Workstation with Mounting Legs $1,170.90 $650.50
7170-0604 - Gamber-Johnson TABCRUZER MINI SHORT DESKTOP MOUNT KIT Simple universal mounting solution for small tablets and handhelds in any desktop environment. $333.86 $185.48
7170-0587 - Gamber-Johnson HEIGHT-ADJUSTABLE DESKTOP MOUNT Height-Adjustable Desktop Mount $279.38 $155.21
7170-0759-00 - Gamber-Johnson DEX DESKTOP KIT The DeX Desktop kit includes our rugged USB hub, Zirkona 50 mm Extension, Zirkona Thread Adapter, Zirkona Suction Cup, and Zirkona small Joiner as these will provide an ergonomic desktop office... $774.65 $430.36